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ERFO engages in European discussions related to waste management and in particular to energy from waste. To that aim ERFO meets with representatives of the European institutes, provides actively for information and shares its views with other stakeholders. ERFO engages in the relevant dossiers that could impact the markets for recovered fuels.
ERFO organises events for its members such as internal workshops. It also organises workshops with external parties in Brussels or in Member States where there is a need to bring in our knowledge and expertise.

To be able to communicate about the quality of recovered fuel is key for establishing markets and finding clients. The common language for trading is supplied by standards. CEN/TC343 has established standards for SRF. These standards describe for instance how to take samples, how to determine key characteristics and how to specify and classify fuels.
ERFO has played a major role in establishing the European standards. It has provided for experts in working groups, key information and access to production plants and product fuels. ERFO has been closely involved in ancillary works such as validation of standards.

Policies for waste management
ERFO believes that sorting/recycling of waste in conjunction with production of recovered fuels is the way ahead for waste management in Europe. By sorting of waste and subsequent production of fuels huge investments for mass burn incineration can be avoided. The infrastructure for energy from waste often is already available. This concerns for instance cement kilns, CHP plants and power plants which are able to use recovered fuels.
In order to achieve a waste management infrastructure that benefits from the value in waste, policies and legislation in Europe need to change. Therefore ERFO engages in discussions related to the Circular Economy and Waste-to-Energy. We actively bring forward our position which we believe is the ultimate contribution from energy from waste to the Circular Economy.

Committees, workshops
ERFO holds two internal meetings per year for its members. These meetings are key events for members to stay updated about political and technical meetings related to recovered fuels. ERFO also organises external workshops where stakeholders meet and discuss. Such workshops take place in Brussels or elsewhere in Europe.